Welcome to NTSE Exam 2012-2013 Section. Here you will find NTSE 2012 Exam, Date, Notification, Schedule, NECRT NTSE Exam for Class  10.

NTSE- National Talent Search Examination is a national level scholarship program in India to identify and nurture talented students. It is organized by NECRT - National Council of Educational Research and Training.
The NCERT conducts the National Talent Search Examination for students studying in Class VIII only.
NTSE 2012-2013 Dates / Notification:-
Stage 1 (State Level)    Last Date for submission of the form:- 31st August, 2012
Exam in Mizoram Meghalaya, Nagaland and Andaman and Nicobar:- 17th November, 2012 
Exam in all other states and UT:- 18th November, 2012 (Sunday)
Stage 2 (National Level):- 
Exam in all states and UT:- 12th May, 2013 (Sunday)
Scholarships:-  On the basis of the examination conducted, 1000 scholarships will be awarded for each group of students appearing for Class VIII examinations. The amount of scholarship will be Rs.500/- per month as per NTS rules.
Reservation:- 15% scholarships will be reserved for students belonging to the SC category, 7.5% scholarships for students belonging to the ST category and 3% for Physically Challenged Group of Students.
Selection:- There will be two-stage selection process for award of scholarship. For Stage-I, selection will be done by States/UTs through a written examination. Students who qualify Stage I will be eligible to appear for Stage II examination conducted by NCERT.
The States/UTs will also conduct the selection test for National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme along with the Stage-I written examination for NTS.
NTSE 2012 Exam Pattern:-
The pattern of written examination for Class VIII will be as follows:
Stage I examination at the State/UT level will comprise two parts, namely (a) Mental Ability Test (MAT) and (b) Scholastic Ability Test (SAT) covering social sciences, sciences and mathematics.
Stage II examination at the National level will comprise (a) Mental Ability Test (MAT), (b) Scholastic Ability Test (SAT) covering Social Sciences, Sciences and Mathematics.
NTSE 2012 Syllabus:- There is no Prescribed syllabus for the NTSE examination. However, the standard of items conforms to the level of CBSE Class 8 Public Examinations. Also, parts of classes IX are also included especially in mathematics, wherein one is expected to have a sound knowledge of the things already learnt at lower classes. Since many of the things learnt at class VIII level are also included in class IX/X syllabus, therefore such concepts may be evaluated. Several guides are also published by various publishers to aid NTSE aspirants.
NTSE 2012 Eligibility:- Students of Class VIII studying in recognized schools are eligible to appear for the respective Class VIII Stage I examination conducted by the States/UTs in which the schools are located. There will be no domicile restriction.
State Quotas: - Each State/Union Territory has been allotted a quota to recommend a specific number of candidates for the Stage II examination, the details of which will be made available on NCERT website. However, there will be no State/Union Territory Quota for the final award of scholarship after the Stage II examination. Reservation for SC, ST and physically challenged will be as notified in para 2 above.
Application Form:- You may contact the State/UT Liaison officer for procuring application form. However, application form can be downloaded from NCERT website <> also.
Fees:- States and Union Territories may notify the fee required which will be paid for the Stage-I examination. Therefore, before submitting the application form you may find out the fees charged for 2011 Stage-I Examination and also the mode of payment from the respective State Liaison Officers (LOs). However, NCERT does not charge any fee for Stage-II examination.
NTSE 2012 Results:-  Results of the Stage-I examination will be declared by the respective State Governments/ Union Territories. Final result after the conduct of Stage-II examination will be declared by NCERT.

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