Welcome to NTSE Exam 2012-2013 Section. Here you will find NTSE 2012 Exam, Date, Notification, Schedule, NECRT NTSE Exam for Class 10. NTSE- National Talent Search Examination is a national level scholarship program in India to identify and nurture talented students. It is organized by NECRT - National Council of Educational Research and Training. The NCERT conducts the National Talent Search Examination for students studying in Class VIII only. NTSE 2012-2013 Dates / Notification:- Stage 1 (State Level) Last Date for submission of the form:- 31st August, 2012 Exam in Mizoram Meghalaya, Nagaland and Andaman and Nicobar:- 17th November, 2012 Exam in all other states and UT:- 18th November, 2012 (Sunday) Stage 2 (National Level):- Exam in all states and UT:- 12th May, 2013 (Sunday) Scholarships:- On the basis of the examination conducted, 1000 scholarships will be awarded for each group of stu...