
Showing posts from January, 2012
THE GREEN OLYMPIAD The GREEN Olympiad is an annual written examination on environment initiated by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in 1999. The exam is conducted by Educating Youth for Sustainable Development Division of TERI and attracts participation from lakhs of school students across India and abroad.   The United Nations has proclaimed 2011 as the � International Year of Forests � . It is a unique opportunity to increase understanding of the vital role that 'forest wealth' plays in sustaining life on Earth. Keeping in line with this international declaration, the theme for GREEN Olympiad and TERRAQUIZ 2011 was � Forest Wealth around us � . BACKGROUND The urgency to address the environmental concerns has probably never been greater. Nation states across the world are striving hard to come to a consensus on ways and methods to reduce their ecological footprint and move towards a low carbon economy. According to 2010 State of the World Report (published b...